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The Annual National level Technical Symposium EXMOTRANZ 2K18 organised by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, has its unique style of celebrating education. Participation in this technical symposium will expose students to a new brand level of instrumentation. The symposium has gained this reputation because of its quality and standards. Just a mere participation will be of great propitious to all young talents of this nation.
1. Name of the Event: EXMOTRANZ 2K18
2. College Name: SCAD College of Engineering and Technology
3. Department: Electronics and Communication Engineering
4. Symposium Details :( Free From All Domains)
5. Date of Event: 15-03- 2018
6. Important Dates: (Last Date on Submission: 12-03- 2018 &
Intimation: 13-03- 2018)
7. Contact Details :( Cell Phone No: 9944694651,9566509646,
Mail id:
8. Event Web Address:
9. Registration Fees: Rs.150 per head.
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